Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happiness - Project - The Secret

Thing retlated to Happiness"

  1. Happiness Myth - It's Selfish to try to be Happier - Contrary to popular belief, happy people aren't self-centered and complacent; in fact, they're more concerned with helping others than are less-happy people.
  2. Life's Cruel Truth:  You get more of what you already have - We all contribute to the atmosphere in whichwe live, so we get more of what we have.  Friendly people with friendiness; irritable people find themselves surrouned by irritable people.
  3. Practice a NON _ Random Act of Kindness - Practicing non-random acts of kindess, it turns ot, brings more happiness than random acts of kindness-especially for recipients.

  4. Money Can't Buy Happiness

DA Stores, LLC/Modern Furniture Warehouse

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